Sub-classing CadQuery Objects

As CadQuery is a python CAD library it is based on the concept of classes. One of the most important CadQuery base class is Shape which provides both an OpenCascade object contained in the wrapped attribute and pure python attributes such as forConstruction (a bool) and label (a str). Shape provides a wealth of python methods to manipulate Shapes, such as rotate() and mirror().

Solid and Edge are two of the many sub-classes of Shape - more formally Solid is a derived class of the Shape base class - which inherit the methods of Shape. The cq_warehouse.extensions package contains changes to the CadQuery core functionality which allows users to also create derived classes from the Shape base class. These user derived classes also inherit the wealth of Shape methods (also note that future additions to Shape will automatically apply to user derived classes).

The cq_warehouse.fastener Nut class is an example of a derived class - specifically of Solid and is defined as follows:

class Nut(ABC, Solid):

and therefore inherits the methods of Solid and Shape. Nut is itself a base class for a whole series of different classes of nuts like DomedCadNut which is defined as follows:

class DomedCapNut(Nut):

Expressed as a diagram, the inheritance looks like this:

digraph { splines=false; Shape -> Solid; Mixin3D -> Solid; Solid -> Nut; ABC -> Nut; Nut -> BradTeeNut; Nut -> DomedCapNut; Nut -> HexNut; Ellipsis [shape=none label="…" fontsize=30]; Nut -> SquareNut; {rank=same BradTeeNut DomedCapNut HexNut Ellipsis SquareNut} // align on same rank // invisible edges to order nodes edge[style=invis] BradTeeNut->DomedCapNut->HexNut->Ellipsis->SquareNut }


Nut is also a sub-class of ABC the Abstract Base Class which provides many useful features when creating derived classes. Mixin3D provides a set of methods specific to 3D objects like chamfer().

Instantiation of one of the nut sub-classes is done as follows:

nut = DomedCapNut(size="M6-1", fastener_type="din1587")

where nut is a subclass of Solid and therefore the many Solid methods apply to nut like this:

nut_translated = nut.translate((20, 20, 10))

Creating Custom Sub-Classes

To create custom sub-classes of Shape, there are three necessary steps and one extra step for complex classes:

  1. The class definition must include the base class, e.g: class MyCustomShape(Solid):.

  2. All parameters must be stored as instance attributes so a copy can be created.

  3. The class’ __init__ method must initialize the base class object: super().__init__(obj.wrapped). Recall that the Shape class stores the OpenCascade CAD object in the wrapped attribute which is what is passed into the __init__ method.

  4. Create a custom copy() method for complex classes only (see below).

Here is a working example of a FilletBox (i.e.a box with rounded corners) that is a sub-class of Solid:

class FilletBox(Solid):
    """A filleted box

    A box of the given dimensions with all of the edges filleted.

        length (float): box length
        width (float): box width
        height (float): box height
        radius (float): edge radius
        pnt (VectorLike, optional): minimum x,y,z point. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
        dir (VectorLike, optional): direction of height. Defaults to (0, 0, 1).

    def __init__(
        length: float,
        width: float,
        height: float,
        radius: float,
        pnt: VectorLike = (0, 0, 0),
        dir: VectorLike = (0, 0, 1),
        # Store the attributes so the object can be copied
        self.length = length
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.radius = radius
        self.pnt = pnt
        self.dir = dir

        # Create the object
        obj = Solid.makeBox(length, width, height, pnt, dir)
        obj = obj.fillet(radius, obj.Edges())
        # Initialize the Solid class with the new OCCT object

Internally, Shape has a copy() method that is able copy derived classes with a single OpenCascade object stored in the wrapped attribute. If a custom class contains attributes that can’t be copied with the python copy.deepcopy() method, that class will need to contain a custom copy() method. This custom copy method can be based off the cq_warehouse extended copy method shown here:

from OCP.BRepBuilderAPI import BRepBuilderAPI_Copy

def copy(self: "Shape") -> "Shape":
    Creates a new object that is a copy of this object.
    # The wrapped object is a OCCT TopoDS_Shape which can't be pickled or copied
    # with the standard python copy/deepcopy, so create a deepcopy 'memo' with this
    # value already copied which causes deepcopy to skip it.
    memo = {id(self.wrapped): BRepBuilderAPI_Copy(self.wrapped).Shape()}
    copy_of_shape = copy.deepcopy(self, memo)
    return copy_of_shape

Converting Compound to Solid

When creating custom Solid sub-classed objects one my find that a Compound object has been created instead of the desired Solid object (use the type(<my_object>) function to find the class of an object). As a Compound object is a fancy list of other Shapes it is often possible to extract the desired Solid from the Compound. The following code will check for this condition and extract the Solid object for initialization of the base class:

if isinstance(obj, Compound) and len(obj.Solids()) == 1:

where obj is the custom object created by this sub-class. If the Compound is always generated by the custom class, the if check can be eliminated.

If the desired object is a Compound (e.g. cq_warehouse bearings) the class should sub-class Compound and initialize the base (Compound) class in the normal way.